Hello. It's been more than a week. But here I am again. I'll be downloading the next installment of Re-Intro. This section deals with the claims of Jesus. Is he God? Or just a good man? Is there anything from the Biblical record that can give insight into whether his story holds up? What is there in outside sources that can help explain or discredit Jesus' claims? Well, take a look and see.
Jesus and His Claims:
Jesus was not content to have the people hail him as a particularly nice guy. The way that Jesus is characterized by most people in this age, He’s either totally spaced out, mouthing nice little things about loving your neighbor, or shaking his finger at hypocritical religious men caught bullying some fallen woman, or saying out-of-touch philosophy.
And then you have Him, saying for all the world to have to deal with: I AM GOD!!!
This is not a guy saying, “I found God,” “I found a way to God,” or “I found the conciousness or the enlightened path of God.” He, with all his wisdom, all his compassion, and his inexplicable power, said, “I AM GOD!!” Without apology or elaborate attempts to defend Himself, Jesus of Nazareth bluntly declared that He was the guy who made the Universe. He claimed the identity of the One who created all the galaxies, all the planetary solar systems, all the suns that connected those systems, all the comets and meteors that roar across the vastness of space, all the complex occurrences of plasma and physical properties that formed planets and moons. He, in effect, claimed to have created matter, the time-space-material continuum that came from matter. He claimed to have created the properties that formed the combinations of air, water, and organic material that made for this delicate rock called Earth, and the properties that made up every other planet in the universe, including those upon which life may be found one day, if by chance we are not alone.
And by endorsing the Bible as literally true, He in effect, claimed that He did it all in six 24-hour days. And He claimed the power of life and death over every living human being who ever had or would live on this planet.
All this enormous power, this massive intelligence, all this authority, all was claimed by one relatively poor, obscure Israeli carpenter from a town of only a few thousand people, in a backwater region of the Roman Empire, whose source of educational attainment, if any, was and is unknown.
If He is not God, then what would He be? Think about it, just some of the things Jesus said about Himself. And remember, we’ve already established the clear historical reliability of the Bible, with both internal and external evidence. So what the historical accounts in the Gospels say that Jesus said, there's a 99.99% probability that He actually said them. Here are just a few of them:
1) I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to [God] the Father except through me;
2) I am the door [of eternal life]. All who came before me were thieves and robbers. I am the gate. He who comes to me will be saved, I will open to him and he will find safety;
3) I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never be hungry;
4) If any man believes in me, a spring of living water will well up in him for eternal life. (By this spring he meant the Holy Spirit);
5) Abraham (the founder of the Jewish people, who lived 2,000 years before Jesus) rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day. He saw it and was glad. (And when his enemies were dumbstruck at the thought of a man only 33 claiming that he had seen a 2,000 year old holy man, he said the following.);
6) I tell you the truth, before Abraham lived, I AM (the ultimate Hebrew word for GOD).
Only 3 kinds of people would make such a audacious claim: a lunatic, an evil monster—a megalomaniac like Hitler, Stalin, or Saddam Hussein, or an honest man who told the truth. In other words, that Jesus is GOD.
But you might say, “That’s your own conclusions, I decide to conclude that He was a good man, a great teacher... I don’t need to say that He was a lunatic or a liar. I can’t accept that He is God, because I just don’t think His disciples were above making it all up.” The problem was, as we talked about earlier, was that way too many people were alive at the time the Gospels were written who could discredit any falsehoods in the Gospel accounts. And all these writers paid for their accounts with their lives, or at least with many years in prison. For that and other reasons, once again, you have to take the historicity of the Bible accounts of Jesus’ life as true.
So you have to take up the big issue: “Would a good man who is a good teacher but not God say the things Jesus did?” Examine it---would a non-God say, over and over and over again---I am God?” Let’s see the different options we could take---Good Teacher/Philosopher/Good man, Liar, Lunatic, God. Let’s take each one in order.
Good Teacher/Philosopher/Good Man:
So, what kind of a good philosopher or man would claim to be God? Sure, Jesus is unparalleled as a moral teacher, but there’s a little problem. As we showed earlier, Jesus repeatedly kept saying that He is the God of the Universe, both bluntly and in symbolic ways that everyone in his time could understand. At the top of the group of audacious things that He said, one statement that set Him apart from everyone else put His followers in trouble for the rest of their lives, and made Christianity unique. That was when He was challenged by the religious leaders of His time. And let me tell you, these guys were a match for Cardinal Law, theft, extortion, bribes, kickbacks, you name it. The religious leadership of Jesus’ time were, for the most part, a patented disgrace. So that sets the context.
On two occasions Jesus was so outraged over the garbage He was watching that He single-handedly wrecked the crooked market that was conducted right in the Temple of God in Jerusalem. And the man didn’t politely ask them to leave. Each time he made a whip, we’re talking Indiana Jones here. And he used it on them, and ran the crooked merchants out of the place, hundreds of them. Well, on each occasion the leaders, who profited from these merchants went straight to Jesus, and demanded to know who did this little peasant carpenter think He was. (The first was early in his 3 ½ year ministry, the second was on the Sunday before He died.). The first time He was confronted Jesus told the leaders this reply: “Destroy this sanctuary, and I will raised it again in three days.”
The leaders were clueless. They thought Jesus was talking about destroying the Temple, which took 46 years to build, and then rebuilding it in 3 days. But John, one of Jesus’ close followers, said He was talking about His body, and that He was saying, in effect, “You want to know where I got my authority? I’ll show you some authority! Kill me, and when I come back from the dead in 3 days, you’ll see what kind of authority I have.” In a word, Jesus said that He was God, and that He had the power of life and death, including His own. NOBODY EVER SAID THAT AND GOT AWAY WITH IT!! Because sure enough, the day came when they murdered Him by execution on trumped up false charges of blasphemy and treason, and He let them take Him. And sure enough, about 50 days later Jesus’ followers were going around claiming that He had risen from the dead, and began busily gaining converts---and grief.
Every single one of Jesus’ top men, they’re called apostles, died a violent death except one, John, and he sometimes wished he had. I mean, he lived through being boiled in a pot of burning oil and got exiled for at least 3 years on a deserted island. And since then, wars have been fought, and people have been murdered, raped, robbed, beaten, imprisoned, exiled, or forced to flee their homes as refugees, because of their faith that Jesus is God, and risen from the dead. In fact over 140,000 people a year between 1980 and 2000 were killed because of the crime of being a Christian.
Jesus, at least, had a pretty good idea that the world would hate Him, and all who would believe in Him. In fact, He told His followers as much the night before He died. Well if He had that much foreknowledge of what death and carnage would happen because of His claim to be God, and He WAS NOT GOD, what kind of a man would He have been for letting His followers go on in the charade? A good man and a great teacher? NO WAY!! Jesus of Nazereth would be, justifiably stated, a jackass. He would be the worst kind of megalomaniac you ever saw. But let’s just wait a minute. Maybe He couldn’t help it. Maybe He just thought that He was God, because He was mad. Insane. Mentally challenged. Let’s look at that option for a second.
Jesus The Wacko:
I know that there are devout Christian people and others of more sensitive personality who are horrified at this subtopic’s title. But hey, let’s be truthful. If Jesus is not God, and He certainly can’t be merely a good man or teacher, then He’s either totally evil or totally deranged. If you can’t handle the choice of words to bring the reality of this issue to get into your emotions, GET OVER IT!!! NOW!!! Because this subject is not pretty, and it is the most high-stakes issue of all time. Who is this guy?
So, let’s consider whether He was just crazy. Maybe that’s it, Jesus was nuts! He just went around, thinking He was virgin-born, that He was God, that He could raise the dead, give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, that He could heal genetically-based deformities like Down’s Syndrome, and people who suffered from cerebral palsy, and people who were paralyzed from birth. Maybe He just fantasized about going on a mountain and getting translated from a physical man into a purely spiritual one. Maybe he was delusional about rising from the dead. But what’s more, he got hundreds of thousands of people to go along with it.
That’s the problem you have now. You had all these thousands of followers, all of whom could have come forward, if there was any falsehood to this man, and exposed Him. There have been insane men who have fooled masses of people before, like a Hitler, if indeed that man was only insane. Why not conclude that about Jesus? But yet, none of Jesus’ followers ever came forward and tried to publicly renounce the whole image of Jesus that was, and has been built up about Him? WHY?
Because there is one thing about Jesus that is separated from all of the men who were insane and had power. Everything about these other guys was about themselves, and their own benefit, their own power. If there was anything about Jesus that was unique, it was that He was totally secure about who He believed Himself to be, and yet it seemed that He could care less about whether He looked good. He was a whole lot interested about helping people in desperate need, including people who were so poor and despised by the world of their time that they were the last people a man like Jesus would want to befriend, if he was a real lunatic.
And that’s the whole point. If there is anything universally accepted by every Christian, it is that Jesus had no concern about Himself, but about everyone else. He didn’t need for people to adore Him---He adored people---everybody! Even the most wretched! He would make it a point to go and transform the lives of the very least of his time—prostitutes, the hopelessly insane, sick and diseased, lepers, the outcasts, you name it.
One thing about crazy people—about psychopaths, they are totally self-absorbed. Jesus was totally absorbed with two things---His Father—God, and with everybody He met each day. A lunatic would not have done that. So, our options continue to diminish.
Jesus the Nazi:
There you go again, the horror at my choice of words. I’ll say it again. Grow up!! If Jesus isn’t God, it’s the most plausible explanation of all!! Face it!! Confront it!! What suffering would have been prevented if He had not been allowed to manipulate His followers to spread this preposterous lie! Think!! This common everyday guy—HE SAYS THAT HE MADE THE UNIVERSE!!! AND HE’S GOING AROUND GETTING EVERYBODY TO BUY INTO IT!! And He has some pretty strange magical powers, to the point of stopping storms—the guy has his men claiming He can change the weather!! And they were prepared to die for it!!
If Jesus isn’t God, and He was in touch with reality, and He knew what He was getting people to believe to the ultimate degree of devotion, then a more evil, malevolent man has not been born. And noone was more skilled. Go back to the beginning of this chapter, to the statements made by Napoleon. No armies, no political power, yet an equal amassment of loyalty by masses of people has not been approached in all of human history. So why not believe that?
There is one answer. The whole plot goes down in flames if He’s dead! Everything that He claims for himself is exposed as a colossal fabrication—totally discredited, if He stayed dead after His crucifixion. How can you believe a man’s claim that He created matter itself, with everything that has material substance from it, that He created every single star and planet, complete with the atmospheres on each one of them that results in the very atmospheric conditions that exist on them, if the man is dead? You can’t! You won’t! Who, in the name of all sanity, can buy into a dead man’s claim that he can command lightning and thunder by his spoken voice, that he could heal every disease known to man—or unknown (we’re talking Ebola and other similar diseases which in his time were all lumped into a category they termed “leprosy”, bubonic plague, kill viruses like HIV, instantaneously restore limbs to dismembered people, undo the effect of Down’s Syndrome on a child within seconds, recreate healthy brain tissue in a person ravaged with cerebral palsy, and restore a dead man to life within seconds who had in four days of semi-desert heat rapidly decomposed)?
His ability to manipulate people into such a belief, no matter how skillful a magician, fails the moment He’s assumed room temperature and become the main course for worms. And that’s where we’ll move next—the issue of Jesus’ death—and the issue of His “alleged” resurrection and ascension into heaven. Because if He’s alive, and He never died after rising again, then He’s the Lord God Almighty. It’s no longer just an intellectual exercise, He has a right to ask for you and I to submit ourselves to Him, as the central core of our lives, the emotional and moral and spiritual center from which everything that has value originates. So let’s look into those issues now.
Come back by Monday, I should have the next installment up by then.
Jesus and His Claims:
Jesus was not content to have the people hail him as a particularly nice guy. The way that Jesus is characterized by most people in this age, He’s either totally spaced out, mouthing nice little things about loving your neighbor, or shaking his finger at hypocritical religious men caught bullying some fallen woman, or saying out-of-touch philosophy.
And then you have Him, saying for all the world to have to deal with: I AM GOD!!!
This is not a guy saying, “I found God,” “I found a way to God,” or “I found the conciousness or the enlightened path of God.” He, with all his wisdom, all his compassion, and his inexplicable power, said, “I AM GOD!!” Without apology or elaborate attempts to defend Himself, Jesus of Nazareth bluntly declared that He was the guy who made the Universe. He claimed the identity of the One who created all the galaxies, all the planetary solar systems, all the suns that connected those systems, all the comets and meteors that roar across the vastness of space, all the complex occurrences of plasma and physical properties that formed planets and moons. He, in effect, claimed to have created matter, the time-space-material continuum that came from matter. He claimed to have created the properties that formed the combinations of air, water, and organic material that made for this delicate rock called Earth, and the properties that made up every other planet in the universe, including those upon which life may be found one day, if by chance we are not alone.
And by endorsing the Bible as literally true, He in effect, claimed that He did it all in six 24-hour days. And He claimed the power of life and death over every living human being who ever had or would live on this planet.
All this enormous power, this massive intelligence, all this authority, all was claimed by one relatively poor, obscure Israeli carpenter from a town of only a few thousand people, in a backwater region of the Roman Empire, whose source of educational attainment, if any, was and is unknown.
If He is not God, then what would He be? Think about it, just some of the things Jesus said about Himself. And remember, we’ve already established the clear historical reliability of the Bible, with both internal and external evidence. So what the historical accounts in the Gospels say that Jesus said, there's a 99.99% probability that He actually said them. Here are just a few of them:
1) I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to [God] the Father except through me;
2) I am the door [of eternal life]. All who came before me were thieves and robbers. I am the gate. He who comes to me will be saved, I will open to him and he will find safety;
3) I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to me will never be hungry;
4) If any man believes in me, a spring of living water will well up in him for eternal life. (By this spring he meant the Holy Spirit);
5) Abraham (the founder of the Jewish people, who lived 2,000 years before Jesus) rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day. He saw it and was glad. (And when his enemies were dumbstruck at the thought of a man only 33 claiming that he had seen a 2,000 year old holy man, he said the following.);
6) I tell you the truth, before Abraham lived, I AM (the ultimate Hebrew word for GOD).
Only 3 kinds of people would make such a audacious claim: a lunatic, an evil monster—a megalomaniac like Hitler, Stalin, or Saddam Hussein, or an honest man who told the truth. In other words, that Jesus is GOD.
But you might say, “That’s your own conclusions, I decide to conclude that He was a good man, a great teacher... I don’t need to say that He was a lunatic or a liar. I can’t accept that He is God, because I just don’t think His disciples were above making it all up.” The problem was, as we talked about earlier, was that way too many people were alive at the time the Gospels were written who could discredit any falsehoods in the Gospel accounts. And all these writers paid for their accounts with their lives, or at least with many years in prison. For that and other reasons, once again, you have to take the historicity of the Bible accounts of Jesus’ life as true.
So you have to take up the big issue: “Would a good man who is a good teacher but not God say the things Jesus did?” Examine it---would a non-God say, over and over and over again---I am God?” Let’s see the different options we could take---Good Teacher/Philosopher/Good man, Liar, Lunatic, God. Let’s take each one in order.
Good Teacher/Philosopher/Good Man:
So, what kind of a good philosopher or man would claim to be God? Sure, Jesus is unparalleled as a moral teacher, but there’s a little problem. As we showed earlier, Jesus repeatedly kept saying that He is the God of the Universe, both bluntly and in symbolic ways that everyone in his time could understand. At the top of the group of audacious things that He said, one statement that set Him apart from everyone else put His followers in trouble for the rest of their lives, and made Christianity unique. That was when He was challenged by the religious leaders of His time. And let me tell you, these guys were a match for Cardinal Law, theft, extortion, bribes, kickbacks, you name it. The religious leadership of Jesus’ time were, for the most part, a patented disgrace. So that sets the context.
On two occasions Jesus was so outraged over the garbage He was watching that He single-handedly wrecked the crooked market that was conducted right in the Temple of God in Jerusalem. And the man didn’t politely ask them to leave. Each time he made a whip, we’re talking Indiana Jones here. And he used it on them, and ran the crooked merchants out of the place, hundreds of them. Well, on each occasion the leaders, who profited from these merchants went straight to Jesus, and demanded to know who did this little peasant carpenter think He was. (The first was early in his 3 ½ year ministry, the second was on the Sunday before He died.). The first time He was confronted Jesus told the leaders this reply: “Destroy this sanctuary, and I will raised it again in three days.”
The leaders were clueless. They thought Jesus was talking about destroying the Temple, which took 46 years to build, and then rebuilding it in 3 days. But John, one of Jesus’ close followers, said He was talking about His body, and that He was saying, in effect, “You want to know where I got my authority? I’ll show you some authority! Kill me, and when I come back from the dead in 3 days, you’ll see what kind of authority I have.” In a word, Jesus said that He was God, and that He had the power of life and death, including His own. NOBODY EVER SAID THAT AND GOT AWAY WITH IT!! Because sure enough, the day came when they murdered Him by execution on trumped up false charges of blasphemy and treason, and He let them take Him. And sure enough, about 50 days later Jesus’ followers were going around claiming that He had risen from the dead, and began busily gaining converts---and grief.
Every single one of Jesus’ top men, they’re called apostles, died a violent death except one, John, and he sometimes wished he had. I mean, he lived through being boiled in a pot of burning oil and got exiled for at least 3 years on a deserted island. And since then, wars have been fought, and people have been murdered, raped, robbed, beaten, imprisoned, exiled, or forced to flee their homes as refugees, because of their faith that Jesus is God, and risen from the dead. In fact over 140,000 people a year between 1980 and 2000 were killed because of the crime of being a Christian.
Jesus, at least, had a pretty good idea that the world would hate Him, and all who would believe in Him. In fact, He told His followers as much the night before He died. Well if He had that much foreknowledge of what death and carnage would happen because of His claim to be God, and He WAS NOT GOD, what kind of a man would He have been for letting His followers go on in the charade? A good man and a great teacher? NO WAY!! Jesus of Nazereth would be, justifiably stated, a jackass. He would be the worst kind of megalomaniac you ever saw. But let’s just wait a minute. Maybe He couldn’t help it. Maybe He just thought that He was God, because He was mad. Insane. Mentally challenged. Let’s look at that option for a second.
Jesus The Wacko:
I know that there are devout Christian people and others of more sensitive personality who are horrified at this subtopic’s title. But hey, let’s be truthful. If Jesus is not God, and He certainly can’t be merely a good man or teacher, then He’s either totally evil or totally deranged. If you can’t handle the choice of words to bring the reality of this issue to get into your emotions, GET OVER IT!!! NOW!!! Because this subject is not pretty, and it is the most high-stakes issue of all time. Who is this guy?
So, let’s consider whether He was just crazy. Maybe that’s it, Jesus was nuts! He just went around, thinking He was virgin-born, that He was God, that He could raise the dead, give sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, that He could heal genetically-based deformities like Down’s Syndrome, and people who suffered from cerebral palsy, and people who were paralyzed from birth. Maybe He just fantasized about going on a mountain and getting translated from a physical man into a purely spiritual one. Maybe he was delusional about rising from the dead. But what’s more, he got hundreds of thousands of people to go along with it.
That’s the problem you have now. You had all these thousands of followers, all of whom could have come forward, if there was any falsehood to this man, and exposed Him. There have been insane men who have fooled masses of people before, like a Hitler, if indeed that man was only insane. Why not conclude that about Jesus? But yet, none of Jesus’ followers ever came forward and tried to publicly renounce the whole image of Jesus that was, and has been built up about Him? WHY?
Because there is one thing about Jesus that is separated from all of the men who were insane and had power. Everything about these other guys was about themselves, and their own benefit, their own power. If there was anything about Jesus that was unique, it was that He was totally secure about who He believed Himself to be, and yet it seemed that He could care less about whether He looked good. He was a whole lot interested about helping people in desperate need, including people who were so poor and despised by the world of their time that they were the last people a man like Jesus would want to befriend, if he was a real lunatic.
And that’s the whole point. If there is anything universally accepted by every Christian, it is that Jesus had no concern about Himself, but about everyone else. He didn’t need for people to adore Him---He adored people---everybody! Even the most wretched! He would make it a point to go and transform the lives of the very least of his time—prostitutes, the hopelessly insane, sick and diseased, lepers, the outcasts, you name it.
One thing about crazy people—about psychopaths, they are totally self-absorbed. Jesus was totally absorbed with two things---His Father—God, and with everybody He met each day. A lunatic would not have done that. So, our options continue to diminish.
Jesus the Nazi:
There you go again, the horror at my choice of words. I’ll say it again. Grow up!! If Jesus isn’t God, it’s the most plausible explanation of all!! Face it!! Confront it!! What suffering would have been prevented if He had not been allowed to manipulate His followers to spread this preposterous lie! Think!! This common everyday guy—HE SAYS THAT HE MADE THE UNIVERSE!!! AND HE’S GOING AROUND GETTING EVERYBODY TO BUY INTO IT!! And He has some pretty strange magical powers, to the point of stopping storms—the guy has his men claiming He can change the weather!! And they were prepared to die for it!!
If Jesus isn’t God, and He was in touch with reality, and He knew what He was getting people to believe to the ultimate degree of devotion, then a more evil, malevolent man has not been born. And noone was more skilled. Go back to the beginning of this chapter, to the statements made by Napoleon. No armies, no political power, yet an equal amassment of loyalty by masses of people has not been approached in all of human history. So why not believe that?
There is one answer. The whole plot goes down in flames if He’s dead! Everything that He claims for himself is exposed as a colossal fabrication—totally discredited, if He stayed dead after His crucifixion. How can you believe a man’s claim that He created matter itself, with everything that has material substance from it, that He created every single star and planet, complete with the atmospheres on each one of them that results in the very atmospheric conditions that exist on them, if the man is dead? You can’t! You won’t! Who, in the name of all sanity, can buy into a dead man’s claim that he can command lightning and thunder by his spoken voice, that he could heal every disease known to man—or unknown (we’re talking Ebola and other similar diseases which in his time were all lumped into a category they termed “leprosy”, bubonic plague, kill viruses like HIV, instantaneously restore limbs to dismembered people, undo the effect of Down’s Syndrome on a child within seconds, recreate healthy brain tissue in a person ravaged with cerebral palsy, and restore a dead man to life within seconds who had in four days of semi-desert heat rapidly decomposed)?
His ability to manipulate people into such a belief, no matter how skillful a magician, fails the moment He’s assumed room temperature and become the main course for worms. And that’s where we’ll move next—the issue of Jesus’ death—and the issue of His “alleged” resurrection and ascension into heaven. Because if He’s alive, and He never died after rising again, then He’s the Lord God Almighty. It’s no longer just an intellectual exercise, He has a right to ask for you and I to submit ourselves to Him, as the central core of our lives, the emotional and moral and spiritual center from which everything that has value originates. So let’s look into those issues now.
Come back by Monday, I should have the next installment up by then.