Well, we get going with the next installment about this course called Re-Intro. We're now talking about what is critical to making a Christian able to live as a Christian and a complete human being in this world---a direct relationship with God through that Person of God known as the Holy Spirit. Let me know what you think.
The New Birth: New Species of Man
In the previous chapter I gave you the opportunity to accept God's offer of eternal life by accepting Jesus of Nazareth--God the Son, as your personal Savior and Lord. (If you haven't done that and would like to at any time in this book, please refer back there--it's the heart of what the book is about.). At this point let me tell you about what happened. You were born again, in your spirit.
The best person to ever explain what that was all about was Jesus Himself. The account where He did is recorded in the Gospel of John, the third book of the New Testament, in its third chapter. The story goes as follows:
Nicodemus was a man that John called "a ruler of the Jews." In ancient history he was known as a leading member of the ruling Jewish religious-judicial body of that time, the Sanhedrin, governing with permission of the occupying Roman Empire. He was known as the Nasi of the Sanhedrin, which meant that he was the leading Jewish theologian of his time. Probably late in the first or early second year of Jesus’ ministry Nicodemus visited him at night. It is not certain why he visited Jesus in the middle of the night, but we do know that Jesus was already a source of immense controversy, and commanded a huge following, with major miracles a characteristic of His ministry. His teachings already had created a powerful effect on many, with many saying, "No man ever spoke as did this man." Jesus also had created many enemies among the Jewish leadership, and suspicion by the Roman tetrarch of Galilee, Herod Antipas. Antipas had already shown his antipathy toward those sympathetic to Jesus by imprisoning his cousin John the Baptist, who God had empowered to be Jesus' forerunner. But the opening statement he makes when he comes to Jesus’ tells us that he came, not only for himself, but for many others of the Jewish leadership, who, in spite of the official opposition of the Jewish priests and of Herod, clearly believed that Jesus was more than just a man.
Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do the works you do, unless God be with him." This admission is at complete odds of the bigoted and sick notion that all the Jews were clueless about Jesus’ greatness and that they all collaborated in His murder. The truth is, great numbers of Israelis, including many of the priests and what were called "teachers of the Law of Moses," had become convinced that Jesus was, at the very least, a great prophet of God, and possibly more. It just goes to show that anti-Semitism is not only wrong, it is based on the crassest of ignorance. Just one sidebar point; true Christianity is not, and can never be, anti-Jew, (or anti-anybody for that matter). Christianity is completely dependent, for its true historical origins and for an accurate understanding of it, upon Judaism. All but one of the writers of the Bible, including the New Testament, are Jews. The creation of the original Christian communities were virtually modeled after the Jewish synagogue system of worship. There are multiple statements in the New Testament of God’s continued high regard for the nation of Israel. The notion that anti-Semitism is part of true Christianity is a vicious and evil lie, which came from Satan himself. (And I’ll talk about Satan later, as if you didn’t know he was an evil pig!).
But back to Jesus and Nicodemus. His answer to Nicodemus’ statement of honest praise was totally unexpected, but the most basic truth He could say: "Truly I say to you, if a man is to enter the kingdom of God, he must be born again—from above." Nicodemus was floored—stunned. Historical documents of the writing of leading Jewish teachers and historians of that time state that many of Nicodemus' own school of rabbis, called the Pharisees, believed in a variant form of reincarnation, sort of like Hindus and Buddhists. There's no indication that he did, and he didn't think that Jesus did, so he asked, "How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born?" In the context of the religious arguments going on in his wing of Judaism, a question that has sounded silly to Western Christians doesn't sound crazy, but just a little perplexed.
But Jesus' didn't want to get into talking about arcane religious doctrine. As I shared with you in the earlier chapter about Jesus' proof of His being God, Jesus was into pragmatics, meeting people at the point of their need, not the point of what religionists thought they needed. Jesus didn't try to confuse Nicodemus with symbolic language, he came to the point and clarified himself by saying:
"I truly tell you the truth, no man can enter the kingdom of God unless he is [first] born of water and [then] of the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit…. No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven---the Son of Man…[So] the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only begotten Son….Light has come into the world… Everyone who does evil hates the light,…but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
In the mind of Nicodemus, and people of that time, it was not hard to figure out. First Jesus states the obvious, first to be part of the kingdom of God, you have to be a human being, born through natural birth. Every woman who has ever uttered the words, "My water just broke!" knows EXACTLY what the term "born of water" is about. In a strange way, Jesus’ statement anticipates and deals with the issue of reincarnation. Why? Because he makes it clear, you don’t become part of God’s kingdom through endlessly passing through being different kinds of beings in multiple lifetimes to purify oneself. Only human beings need apply—you—and you can be born again, and made one with God, now!
Second, Jesus said that being born again is to be born from above, by God, through the Holy Spirit. Now what is that, and how is that? Well, Jesus answers that question by appealing to Nicodemus own knowledge as a religious teacher. You may have heard of the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and when the first two created human beings were deceived into disobeying the command of God not to eat forbidden fruit from a tree known as "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." As a result of that act, every person inherited the nature of evil in their whole being, And here’s an important point—Jesus didn’t think that it was a fantasy tale. He treated the story of Adam and Eve as absolute historical fact—because it was. That is the significance of Christianity, there’s no dissecting one part as fantasy and another as fact. Jesus wouldn’t let us then and He won’t let us now. The Bible is either all true or the whole thing collapses. He was so convinced of the evil in men’s hearts, and its origin in the beginning of mankind’s existence, that He made that principle essential to understanding what the new birth is.
Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that, because of the evil in men and women (The Bible calls it the "sinful nature."), they are spiritually "dead" before God, filled with sin and the fruit of his/her sinful deeds. That is something universal, the hate, the jealousy, the greed, the bitter rage and the desire to control others and use them for one’s own pleasure. We have all had the moments where we just feel that there is nothing we can do to stop ourselves from doing what we know to be wrong, or harmful to ourselves or those we profess to love. And Jesus knows that, and He knows how that sinful nature grips and permeates our minds, our emotions, and particularly our physical appetites that function within our bodies.
But Jesus then said that it was possible for that cycle of evil to be broken within us, beginning in our spirit, by being born again. He said that being born again, coming from God, is not something that is seen outwardly, like the wind. Someone who is reborn, who allows that experience to take its full course, has effects on his life that become visible in time, some sooner than others. But Jesus said that being reborn is something that happens in a man or woman’s spirit.
And Jesus then said that the new birth would only be made possible by His death, later to happen on the cross. He had to be "lifted up" so that all who believe in him would have eternal life. And to make sure there was no misunderstanding, Jesus emphatically said that His, and His Father’s motivation was all-consuming love, for every single man, woman, and child, on the whole earth, past, present and future.
How to explain that kind of change? It’s sort of like what happens to a tree and its root system. You see a tree almost dead by drought, give it plenty of water and care, but still see very little change at all. But the truth is that the change is immediate and dramatic, down where it counts, in the root system, the source of that tree’s health and nutrition. That’s what happens when you and I are born again, it’s in your spirit, not your mind, emotions, or your body. That’s why there are so many Christians who appear to be completely unlike what the Bible says they should live like. The change never goes beyond the initial experience. But the potential is there, to see a dramatic change from the spirit, to the mind and even the body.
Returning to the analogy to the Holy Spirit as a microchip acting as operating RAM is appropriate now. Because when a man/woman/child of accountable age chooses to become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes in, like that computer chip, recreates the human spirit, and equips it with the potential to be like God, it is the operational ability to have the relationship with God of father-child, older-to-younger brother-sister, friend-to-friend. And when the individual who is born again cultivates that relationship, like proper maintenance of the computer system, the ramifications of that act of being born again-born from above are massive—to your emotional health, your work, your relationships, your character, even to your physical health and fitness. That microchip—access to the relationship with God, makes you truly human, and makes you able to withstand the most horrible things that can happen to you and those you love.
Oh, and yeah, the Holy Spirit can teach you everything you need to know about love, and help you to live a life of completeness in that area of life. And in this age of callousness and cynicism, which is born out of the wounding of people’s hearts and souls, that is good news.
So as I said before, congratulations, you took the red pill. The chip is planted in you. You have the potential to be human the way God wanted you to be. The next trick is to energize that chip throughout you. And there are three events that the Bible says should occur at the beginning of a new Christian’s life: baptism in water, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and in what the Bible calls the Lord’s Supper. All of them have been, and are still today horribly misunderstood and misused in the Christian church. But properly understood and embraced, and the sky’s the limit!
I’ll begin with the one most misunderstood, the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Usually when people think of giving over one's mind to another person it means one thing--loss of control, loss of independence, even slavery. And you know, it is true, giving up control of our ability to express ourselves strike at the heart of what we are as human beings. I get really upset about some things, and near the top of them is a so-called Christian doctrine that has been believed by tens of millions over the last 500 years that has to go down as the worst one of all. It is called predestination and election. I'll talk about it later, but the big problem with it is that it masks an actual Biblical teaching by the same name, and turns it into a really disgusting concept: that you have no free will to make decisions at all, and that God picked who will go to heaven and who goes to hell before the beginning of time. It makes me want to puke! This doctrine makes God out to be a Nazi, or worse, the Devil himself! Everybody is just a puppet in the hands of one wackoed-out deity. And it doesn't match anything else about the personality of God you read about in the Bible.
Beyond that set of mis-teachings, the truth is that we run into people who want to control us every day, for all sorts of reasons. From the array of weird religious cults that seek to dominate their followers' every daily activity, to different governments and social systems that have sought that kind of dominance, to large corporate business systems who use their wealth, access to highly sophisticated marketing, and ability to sway even democratic governments to make competition in a free marketplace, whether of products or ideas, almost inaccessible. We can all, if we concentrate, relate instances where we felt that our ability to choose, our ability to even think, was stolen from us. Worse yet, some of us can recall our own families to be places where honest emotion, honest desires, opinions, even love, could not be expressed. Some reading this book now are in the midst of abusive relationships: mental, physical, even sexual, that have turned their ability to think and make choices for themselves utterly impossible.
And in every single one of them, the attempt to control and dominate one's ability to think for himself/herself is wrong--dead wrong! Even children, whose parents have the responsibility to teach, train, and discipline behavior in their preparation for adulthood, have the equal responsibility to train those same children to think for themselves--choose for themselves--express themselves! And has that ever been mishandled! The most essential principle of every human being--what makes him/her human--is freedom! No one has the right to control my thoughts, my ability to choose, within a framework of respect for the right of others to have that same life. That's what is known as law and order--what former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black called "ordered liberty."
So then, when anyone starts talking about giving up control of one's life, one's very mind, their very ability to speak with their own mouth, to the will of another, to God, that same reaction of fear, doubt, mistrust, even rebellion is not unreasonable, but quite understandable. Unlike what many in religious institutions would think, God is not personally offended about it by that desire for independence, but He is offended when someone acts on that rebellion and unbelief, not when the individual simply expresses a need to have that fear resolved. God is perfect but He is not petty!
But make no mistake, God is the only One in the Universe that has the right to control over your mind and individuality. After all, He made you. But understand one thing, God's idea of control is not the same as yours. And His way of changing and harnessing you as a person is totally different from that of anyone else. He is able to both control you and free you--at the same time. How is that? Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let's talk about what I mean.
Grand Paradox: Freedom through Surrender
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is very simple, it is the convergence of God's Spirit upon the human mind. When an person becomes a Christian, he is born again in his spirit, which is the real "you." As I told you before, you are a spirit, you have a mind, or soul, and you live in your body. Having Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, live in you, is what makes you a Christian. But we're now talking about something else; in this case, something that affects the part of you that your spirit possesses, your soul, which is made up of your mind, will, and emotions. How can the Holy Spirit both live in your spirit, and come from outside of you to merge into your soul, at the same time? Simple, He's God, He can because He's everywhere, and He can do anything He wants, if it fits with His own character.
So what's the purpose of this convergence of the Spirit with your soul? To give you one thing that we in this age can use a lot more of--- POWER! We need the ability to overcome a lot of stuff---starting with our own personality, but going to a lot of things we just don't seem to be able to overcome. Things like failure, broken relationships, poverty, sickness and disease, even deep emotional disorders and psychosis, or the sense of total inability to express the truth of what Jesus has done for us and how He can do the same for others--to people with no sense of spiritually; all are things that need a lot more than a set of religious teachings to repair and restore a person's life to wholeness.
Some may ask, well is dealing with all of that important to God? Absolutely, it's the bottom line of what God wants from you in this world. As I've told you before, it is God's desire to be personally involved with all areas of our lives.
The best way to describe what is happening is, first of all, to take what the Bible says about it, or to be exact, what Jesus said about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. When He was in his second or third year of ministry on earth, He once made a speech when He was in Jerusalem, Israel, which was then, and is now, the spiritual heart of Judaism. He wanted to make the point that when anyone put their faith in Him, that a powerful change would come in his/her life. His devoted disciple, the Apostle John, recorded it in the seventh chapter of his Gospel: " When any man believes in me, as the Scriptures have said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified."
Here Jesus was speaking of the time that He was going to give everyone who believed in Him the Holy Spirit. And the image He wanted to create in the minds of everyone who would hear Him, and read the account of what He said in the Bible, was of a rushing, exploding, massive river, at flood stage, far overflowing its banks. He wanted to create an image of power, and one of water, which is the basic component of life on earth. He wanted--and wants all of us to know that the Holy Spirit, when He comes into you, can create an effect that is powerful and life-giving. And in both instances, that involves change, awesome change---in your own personal character, in your relationships, in your health, and in the environment around you. You cease to be defined by the circumstances of your life prior to this experience, you become someone who is capable of undoing everyone's preconceived ideas about who you are. You become what Karl Marx called "the new man." Only this new man is not created by force of arms or bloodshed or terror, but by the most awesome power of love imaginable.
This gift of the Holy Spirit comes in two separate stages, as recorded in the Bible. The first comes when you take "the red pill," when you accept Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. The Spirit comes into your spirit, makes you a new person, and you are reconstituted as a new person--you are born again. We talked about that earlier, and that is an essential component of this microchip of God. There is an element of that microchip that is made effective through an interaction of the Spirit in you and the serious reading and study of the Bible--Christians have long called it the indwelling of the Spirit.
But the factor that makes God's microchip in you operational to give you power is a second, and separate experience, one that happens after you become a Christian. That is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus wants to give that to every person, everywhere. He spoke of it in that speech in John with the imagery of power, and then told His closest followers after His resurrection that they needed to receive it, and then made sure that all of us understood how to receive it, by having the first accounts of people receiving "the Baptism," as it is referred to by many Christians, recorded in the New Testament book of Acts.
After His resurrection, Jesus spent about forty days conversing with his disciples, to as many as 500 at one time. He made sure that all the significant followers of his in Israel at the time were made aware that He was raised from the dead, and retaught his teachings to them, this time in the light of the Resurrection, and the complete shattering of misconceptions and preconceived ideas that they all had about Him prior to His death and rising. Then the time came that He needed to ascend back into heaven, to be back at the "right hand" position of authority next to His Father-God, a position of total authority over the universe. He knew that these followers of His would be His representatives, His tools of His work in the earth. So He left them these instructions, as recorded by the physician Luke, in the first chapter of Acts:
Hope you learned a few things that will answer some questions you may have had. Let me know what you thought of it. Thanks. Bye for now.
The New Birth: New Species of Man
In the previous chapter I gave you the opportunity to accept God's offer of eternal life by accepting Jesus of Nazareth--God the Son, as your personal Savior and Lord. (If you haven't done that and would like to at any time in this book, please refer back there--it's the heart of what the book is about.). At this point let me tell you about what happened. You were born again, in your spirit.
The best person to ever explain what that was all about was Jesus Himself. The account where He did is recorded in the Gospel of John, the third book of the New Testament, in its third chapter. The story goes as follows:
Nicodemus was a man that John called "a ruler of the Jews." In ancient history he was known as a leading member of the ruling Jewish religious-judicial body of that time, the Sanhedrin, governing with permission of the occupying Roman Empire. He was known as the Nasi of the Sanhedrin, which meant that he was the leading Jewish theologian of his time. Probably late in the first or early second year of Jesus’ ministry Nicodemus visited him at night. It is not certain why he visited Jesus in the middle of the night, but we do know that Jesus was already a source of immense controversy, and commanded a huge following, with major miracles a characteristic of His ministry. His teachings already had created a powerful effect on many, with many saying, "No man ever spoke as did this man." Jesus also had created many enemies among the Jewish leadership, and suspicion by the Roman tetrarch of Galilee, Herod Antipas. Antipas had already shown his antipathy toward those sympathetic to Jesus by imprisoning his cousin John the Baptist, who God had empowered to be Jesus' forerunner. But the opening statement he makes when he comes to Jesus’ tells us that he came, not only for himself, but for many others of the Jewish leadership, who, in spite of the official opposition of the Jewish priests and of Herod, clearly believed that Jesus was more than just a man.
Nicodemus said, "Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do the works you do, unless God be with him." This admission is at complete odds of the bigoted and sick notion that all the Jews were clueless about Jesus’ greatness and that they all collaborated in His murder. The truth is, great numbers of Israelis, including many of the priests and what were called "teachers of the Law of Moses," had become convinced that Jesus was, at the very least, a great prophet of God, and possibly more. It just goes to show that anti-Semitism is not only wrong, it is based on the crassest of ignorance. Just one sidebar point; true Christianity is not, and can never be, anti-Jew, (or anti-anybody for that matter). Christianity is completely dependent, for its true historical origins and for an accurate understanding of it, upon Judaism. All but one of the writers of the Bible, including the New Testament, are Jews. The creation of the original Christian communities were virtually modeled after the Jewish synagogue system of worship. There are multiple statements in the New Testament of God’s continued high regard for the nation of Israel. The notion that anti-Semitism is part of true Christianity is a vicious and evil lie, which came from Satan himself. (And I’ll talk about Satan later, as if you didn’t know he was an evil pig!).
But back to Jesus and Nicodemus. His answer to Nicodemus’ statement of honest praise was totally unexpected, but the most basic truth He could say: "Truly I say to you, if a man is to enter the kingdom of God, he must be born again—from above." Nicodemus was floored—stunned. Historical documents of the writing of leading Jewish teachers and historians of that time state that many of Nicodemus' own school of rabbis, called the Pharisees, believed in a variant form of reincarnation, sort of like Hindus and Buddhists. There's no indication that he did, and he didn't think that Jesus did, so he asked, "How can a man be born when he is old? Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother's womb to be born?" In the context of the religious arguments going on in his wing of Judaism, a question that has sounded silly to Western Christians doesn't sound crazy, but just a little perplexed.
But Jesus' didn't want to get into talking about arcane religious doctrine. As I shared with you in the earlier chapter about Jesus' proof of His being God, Jesus was into pragmatics, meeting people at the point of their need, not the point of what religionists thought they needed. Jesus didn't try to confuse Nicodemus with symbolic language, he came to the point and clarified himself by saying:
"I truly tell you the truth, no man can enter the kingdom of God unless he is [first] born of water and [then] of the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again.' The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit…. No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from heaven---the Son of Man…[So] the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only begotten Son….Light has come into the world… Everyone who does evil hates the light,…but whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done has been done through God."
In the mind of Nicodemus, and people of that time, it was not hard to figure out. First Jesus states the obvious, first to be part of the kingdom of God, you have to be a human being, born through natural birth. Every woman who has ever uttered the words, "My water just broke!" knows EXACTLY what the term "born of water" is about. In a strange way, Jesus’ statement anticipates and deals with the issue of reincarnation. Why? Because he makes it clear, you don’t become part of God’s kingdom through endlessly passing through being different kinds of beings in multiple lifetimes to purify oneself. Only human beings need apply—you—and you can be born again, and made one with God, now!
Second, Jesus said that being born again is to be born from above, by God, through the Holy Spirit. Now what is that, and how is that? Well, Jesus answers that question by appealing to Nicodemus own knowledge as a religious teacher. You may have heard of the story of Adam and Eve, the Garden of Eden, and when the first two created human beings were deceived into disobeying the command of God not to eat forbidden fruit from a tree known as "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." As a result of that act, every person inherited the nature of evil in their whole being, And here’s an important point—Jesus didn’t think that it was a fantasy tale. He treated the story of Adam and Eve as absolute historical fact—because it was. That is the significance of Christianity, there’s no dissecting one part as fantasy and another as fact. Jesus wouldn’t let us then and He won’t let us now. The Bible is either all true or the whole thing collapses. He was so convinced of the evil in men’s hearts, and its origin in the beginning of mankind’s existence, that He made that principle essential to understanding what the new birth is.
Jesus made it clear to Nicodemus that, because of the evil in men and women (The Bible calls it the "sinful nature."), they are spiritually "dead" before God, filled with sin and the fruit of his/her sinful deeds. That is something universal, the hate, the jealousy, the greed, the bitter rage and the desire to control others and use them for one’s own pleasure. We have all had the moments where we just feel that there is nothing we can do to stop ourselves from doing what we know to be wrong, or harmful to ourselves or those we profess to love. And Jesus knows that, and He knows how that sinful nature grips and permeates our minds, our emotions, and particularly our physical appetites that function within our bodies.
But Jesus then said that it was possible for that cycle of evil to be broken within us, beginning in our spirit, by being born again. He said that being born again, coming from God, is not something that is seen outwardly, like the wind. Someone who is reborn, who allows that experience to take its full course, has effects on his life that become visible in time, some sooner than others. But Jesus said that being reborn is something that happens in a man or woman’s spirit.
And Jesus then said that the new birth would only be made possible by His death, later to happen on the cross. He had to be "lifted up" so that all who believe in him would have eternal life. And to make sure there was no misunderstanding, Jesus emphatically said that His, and His Father’s motivation was all-consuming love, for every single man, woman, and child, on the whole earth, past, present and future.
How to explain that kind of change? It’s sort of like what happens to a tree and its root system. You see a tree almost dead by drought, give it plenty of water and care, but still see very little change at all. But the truth is that the change is immediate and dramatic, down where it counts, in the root system, the source of that tree’s health and nutrition. That’s what happens when you and I are born again, it’s in your spirit, not your mind, emotions, or your body. That’s why there are so many Christians who appear to be completely unlike what the Bible says they should live like. The change never goes beyond the initial experience. But the potential is there, to see a dramatic change from the spirit, to the mind and even the body.
Returning to the analogy to the Holy Spirit as a microchip acting as operating RAM is appropriate now. Because when a man/woman/child of accountable age chooses to become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes in, like that computer chip, recreates the human spirit, and equips it with the potential to be like God, it is the operational ability to have the relationship with God of father-child, older-to-younger brother-sister, friend-to-friend. And when the individual who is born again cultivates that relationship, like proper maintenance of the computer system, the ramifications of that act of being born again-born from above are massive—to your emotional health, your work, your relationships, your character, even to your physical health and fitness. That microchip—access to the relationship with God, makes you truly human, and makes you able to withstand the most horrible things that can happen to you and those you love.
Oh, and yeah, the Holy Spirit can teach you everything you need to know about love, and help you to live a life of completeness in that area of life. And in this age of callousness and cynicism, which is born out of the wounding of people’s hearts and souls, that is good news.
So as I said before, congratulations, you took the red pill. The chip is planted in you. You have the potential to be human the way God wanted you to be. The next trick is to energize that chip throughout you. And there are three events that the Bible says should occur at the beginning of a new Christian’s life: baptism in water, baptism in the Holy Spirit, and in what the Bible calls the Lord’s Supper. All of them have been, and are still today horribly misunderstood and misused in the Christian church. But properly understood and embraced, and the sky’s the limit!
I’ll begin with the one most misunderstood, the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Usually when people think of giving over one's mind to another person it means one thing--loss of control, loss of independence, even slavery. And you know, it is true, giving up control of our ability to express ourselves strike at the heart of what we are as human beings. I get really upset about some things, and near the top of them is a so-called Christian doctrine that has been believed by tens of millions over the last 500 years that has to go down as the worst one of all. It is called predestination and election. I'll talk about it later, but the big problem with it is that it masks an actual Biblical teaching by the same name, and turns it into a really disgusting concept: that you have no free will to make decisions at all, and that God picked who will go to heaven and who goes to hell before the beginning of time. It makes me want to puke! This doctrine makes God out to be a Nazi, or worse, the Devil himself! Everybody is just a puppet in the hands of one wackoed-out deity. And it doesn't match anything else about the personality of God you read about in the Bible.
Beyond that set of mis-teachings, the truth is that we run into people who want to control us every day, for all sorts of reasons. From the array of weird religious cults that seek to dominate their followers' every daily activity, to different governments and social systems that have sought that kind of dominance, to large corporate business systems who use their wealth, access to highly sophisticated marketing, and ability to sway even democratic governments to make competition in a free marketplace, whether of products or ideas, almost inaccessible. We can all, if we concentrate, relate instances where we felt that our ability to choose, our ability to even think, was stolen from us. Worse yet, some of us can recall our own families to be places where honest emotion, honest desires, opinions, even love, could not be expressed. Some reading this book now are in the midst of abusive relationships: mental, physical, even sexual, that have turned their ability to think and make choices for themselves utterly impossible.
And in every single one of them, the attempt to control and dominate one's ability to think for himself/herself is wrong--dead wrong! Even children, whose parents have the responsibility to teach, train, and discipline behavior in their preparation for adulthood, have the equal responsibility to train those same children to think for themselves--choose for themselves--express themselves! And has that ever been mishandled! The most essential principle of every human being--what makes him/her human--is freedom! No one has the right to control my thoughts, my ability to choose, within a framework of respect for the right of others to have that same life. That's what is known as law and order--what former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black called "ordered liberty."
So then, when anyone starts talking about giving up control of one's life, one's very mind, their very ability to speak with their own mouth, to the will of another, to God, that same reaction of fear, doubt, mistrust, even rebellion is not unreasonable, but quite understandable. Unlike what many in religious institutions would think, God is not personally offended about it by that desire for independence, but He is offended when someone acts on that rebellion and unbelief, not when the individual simply expresses a need to have that fear resolved. God is perfect but He is not petty!
But make no mistake, God is the only One in the Universe that has the right to control over your mind and individuality. After all, He made you. But understand one thing, God's idea of control is not the same as yours. And His way of changing and harnessing you as a person is totally different from that of anyone else. He is able to both control you and free you--at the same time. How is that? Through the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Let's talk about what I mean.
Grand Paradox: Freedom through Surrender
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is very simple, it is the convergence of God's Spirit upon the human mind. When an person becomes a Christian, he is born again in his spirit, which is the real "you." As I told you before, you are a spirit, you have a mind, or soul, and you live in your body. Having Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, live in you, is what makes you a Christian. But we're now talking about something else; in this case, something that affects the part of you that your spirit possesses, your soul, which is made up of your mind, will, and emotions. How can the Holy Spirit both live in your spirit, and come from outside of you to merge into your soul, at the same time? Simple, He's God, He can because He's everywhere, and He can do anything He wants, if it fits with His own character.
So what's the purpose of this convergence of the Spirit with your soul? To give you one thing that we in this age can use a lot more of--- POWER! We need the ability to overcome a lot of stuff---starting with our own personality, but going to a lot of things we just don't seem to be able to overcome. Things like failure, broken relationships, poverty, sickness and disease, even deep emotional disorders and psychosis, or the sense of total inability to express the truth of what Jesus has done for us and how He can do the same for others--to people with no sense of spiritually; all are things that need a lot more than a set of religious teachings to repair and restore a person's life to wholeness.
Some may ask, well is dealing with all of that important to God? Absolutely, it's the bottom line of what God wants from you in this world. As I've told you before, it is God's desire to be personally involved with all areas of our lives.
The best way to describe what is happening is, first of all, to take what the Bible says about it, or to be exact, what Jesus said about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. When He was in his second or third year of ministry on earth, He once made a speech when He was in Jerusalem, Israel, which was then, and is now, the spiritual heart of Judaism. He wanted to make the point that when anyone put their faith in Him, that a powerful change would come in his/her life. His devoted disciple, the Apostle John, recorded it in the seventh chapter of his Gospel: " When any man believes in me, as the Scriptures have said, out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified."
Here Jesus was speaking of the time that He was going to give everyone who believed in Him the Holy Spirit. And the image He wanted to create in the minds of everyone who would hear Him, and read the account of what He said in the Bible, was of a rushing, exploding, massive river, at flood stage, far overflowing its banks. He wanted to create an image of power, and one of water, which is the basic component of life on earth. He wanted--and wants all of us to know that the Holy Spirit, when He comes into you, can create an effect that is powerful and life-giving. And in both instances, that involves change, awesome change---in your own personal character, in your relationships, in your health, and in the environment around you. You cease to be defined by the circumstances of your life prior to this experience, you become someone who is capable of undoing everyone's preconceived ideas about who you are. You become what Karl Marx called "the new man." Only this new man is not created by force of arms or bloodshed or terror, but by the most awesome power of love imaginable.
This gift of the Holy Spirit comes in two separate stages, as recorded in the Bible. The first comes when you take "the red pill," when you accept Jesus to be your Savior and Lord. The Spirit comes into your spirit, makes you a new person, and you are reconstituted as a new person--you are born again. We talked about that earlier, and that is an essential component of this microchip of God. There is an element of that microchip that is made effective through an interaction of the Spirit in you and the serious reading and study of the Bible--Christians have long called it the indwelling of the Spirit.
But the factor that makes God's microchip in you operational to give you power is a second, and separate experience, one that happens after you become a Christian. That is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. And Jesus wants to give that to every person, everywhere. He spoke of it in that speech in John with the imagery of power, and then told His closest followers after His resurrection that they needed to receive it, and then made sure that all of us understood how to receive it, by having the first accounts of people receiving "the Baptism," as it is referred to by many Christians, recorded in the New Testament book of Acts.
After His resurrection, Jesus spent about forty days conversing with his disciples, to as many as 500 at one time. He made sure that all the significant followers of his in Israel at the time were made aware that He was raised from the dead, and retaught his teachings to them, this time in the light of the Resurrection, and the complete shattering of misconceptions and preconceived ideas that they all had about Him prior to His death and rising. Then the time came that He needed to ascend back into heaven, to be back at the "right hand" position of authority next to His Father-God, a position of total authority over the universe. He knew that these followers of His would be His representatives, His tools of His work in the earth. So He left them these instructions, as recorded by the physician Luke, in the first chapter of Acts:
Hope you learned a few things that will answer some questions you may have had. Let me know what you thought of it. Thanks. Bye for now.